Idiomatic Expressions

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

As a connoisseur of all facets of language, particularly idiomatic expressions, I give you the following list of some of my favorite idiomatic expressions. Most are not the "run of the mill" kind either. My list contains the seldom used ones, the ones that you rarely hear nowadays but are a joy when you do hear them. Please share some of your odd, off the wall, outlandish, bizarre, and peculiar expressions with me.

1. Let's run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes. (Richie Cunningham used this one a few times in Happy Days)

2. Let's get down to brass tacks. (I think my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Lamson, is the only person to use this one regularly.)

3. To be three sheets to the wind. (Actually a misnomer according to sailing enthusiasts)

4. To have ants in your pants.

5. To have a wild hair up your ass.

6. To be jonesing for something.

7. To be sitting in the catbird seat.

8. To be tearing up the pea patch.

9. Chew the fat.

10. To yank someone's chain.

11. To go see a man about a horse.


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